FTUK has launched a new account add-ons feature which will include features to enhance a trader’s experience significantly. You will be able to choose between the following add-on features:
Unlock scaling level 8 (+10% on the initial one-time fee): Programs purchased with this add-on will unlock the scaling plan level 8, which will unlock the potential to scale up to $5,760,000. On the other hand, all programs purchased without this upgrade will only be able to scale up to level 7.
Double maximum trading days (+10% on the initial one-time fee): Programs purchased with this add-on will have the maximum trading days extended for level 1 in order to reach your profit target successfully.
Joining fee refund (+25% on the initial one-time fee): Programs purchased with this add-on will get their joining one-time fee refunded automatically with your first level 2 profit payout.
Evaluation retake (+50% on the initial one-time fee): Evaluation programs purchased with this add-on get one free retake account if you happen to breach the maximum drawdown limit or any other rule that would result in your account being terminated. (This feature cannot be applied to instant funding programs)