Weekly Statistics by TopTier Traders. Most traded pairs, Win rate, etc. All you need to know about the last week.
Weekly Statistics by TopTier Traders. Most traded pairs, Win rate, etc. All you need to know about the last week.
TopTier Trader is an evaluation company that is searching for experienced traders. To determine if a trader has the desired expertise, they have created a 2-Tier evaluation process.
They are located in the US, Delaware, and offer undercapitalized traders up to $600,000 in funding with a profit split of 80% up to 90%.
Remember that they also have a scaling plan for their most successful traders, which goes up to $2,000,000 in balance. They provide their clients with Vital Markets as a broker.
With the start of a new week, TopTier Traders posted their last week’s stats.
There was one trader who stood out, in particular, last week. This trader has an equity gain of over ‘$57.394,40’ on his ‘$300k’ Funded Account!
Here are a few interesting stats from the account!
Average Risk Reward Ratio
Most Traded Pairs
Total Trades Taken
Distribution of Trades Taken by Session
Distribution of trades by Style
Average Length of Trades
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