The Funded Trader Interview: From a Housewife to Trader?

The Funded Trader Nur, who is a housewife and earned 6 Figure Profit by trading.

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The Funded Trader is a reputable forex prop company that provides traders worldwide with funding of up to $1,500,000. The business offers a sizable profit split of up to 90%, several ways to get funding, a strong sense of community, and, most importantly, excellent leverage.

The Funded Trader Interview

The Funded Trader shares an incredible trader’s interview. Tori speaks with Nur, the trader, as she runs through her trading journey with The Funded Trader. Nur has made six figures through Forex trading. While she’s undoubtedly a fantastic person, she holds no secret codes or unique talents that you are incapable of. 

About seven years ago, Nur was a stay-at-home wife living in Malaysia. She recognized that she would like to supplement her household income, so she began seeking ways to make money. Both her brother and husband were traders, which inspired her to try it too. 

Over her seven years of trading, Nur has accumulated valuable knowledge from various sources. Independently, she carefully learned what works, what doesn’t, and what rules of thumb to follow. To craft her winning strategies, Nur uses a resource we all have access to, ‘social media.’ Through Facebook, she has discovered like-minded communities in Malaysia where people publicly share their strategies.

After seven years of trial and error in trading and several blown personal and challenge accounts, Nur finally found success trading with The Funded Trader—with a payout of $100,000. It’s undoubtedly a life-changing and impressive achievement for a mother just trying to bring in a little extra money for the household.

Advice to Traders

After hearing Nur’s story, it’s tempting to want to try and replicate her trading success. Fortunately, she does share advice on how to get the fantastic results she has achieved on The Funded Trader. The following points Nur shared as advice to traders:

  • Find an Approach That Works for You
  • Determine Your Focus
  • Chart Your Course
  • Take Losses Lightly

To see the full details, watch the video:

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